Edmonton Photographers | Hobbs Photography
Let’s JUMP IN!
Yes, this is a thing – international skinny dip day. I mean it has an official page, telling you all the official stuff about international skinny dip day.
Like what day it falls on each year, because we wouldn’t want to miss international skinny dipping day, and you don’t have to either.
This year, 2019 it happens to fall on July 13th so we decided we needed to host an event. We are hoping for gorgeous weather, however it’ll be a go, rain or shine, and some fun human beings.
Perhaps it will be the first annual for many years to come? If it’s not your thing, we completely understand. Message your fun friends and tell them the news. ;)
How to get involved!
Skinny dip your backyard pool
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Head to the local watering hole and cool off with a naked dip
come celebrate with us!
The event details:
When: July 13th, 2019 6:00 AM, yep, bright and early.
Where: Eden Lake, the Grain Shed Studio. Directions to follow after you’ve signed up.
What to expect: Skinny dipping, jumping off the dock, hot coffee and tea to follow.
How to sign up: Shoot us an email at hobbsphotography@live.ca to tell us you’re coming.
Details: Bring a towel.
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